Monday, December 15, 2008

One more step!

Progress is being made on Portable Canvas!!

I'm starting to mark my progress heavily, in comparison to before. It may be too little and too late, but the habit will likely help in future projects.

On the Windows side of things, 0.3 is almost done! I've restricted browsing to as before, but I've also enabled local files to be opened. At the moment, you can type in a local file path to an html file with the proper JavaScript, and it'll load the 3d Canvas element properly! The last step is to shift this from text box to GUI; otherwise, this wouldn't be a quality release worthy of the title "final project of the term".

On the Mac side, I have the application running. The trouble is, I don't have the Mac equivalent of Canvas 3d's dll file, so the program can't load the Canvas elements properly. This should just take 10 minutes of coordination with a Mac user on the c3dl project.

Combining the two sides should be simple. The project-specific code is all in jar files, and should be cross platform by nature; the interface work on the Windows side should carry over nicely to the Mac side. I'll be posting two separate downloads to simplify my work; one for each platform. In theory, I may be able to combine the two for a later release...

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