Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back to Episode One

The final stretch of DPS 909 rolls in, but the work hasn't gotten any easier. I've learned so much, yet it seems I'll never run out of stuff to learn. This is both good and bad.

There was the comment on my v0.2 Portable Canvas; it doesn't work on Mac. The solution seems simple enough; compile it on Mac, just like I did on Windows. But, after all the trials and tribulations that came *after* the simple compile the first time around, I've forgotten how to build the thing! It's like starting 0.1 all over again, and that took a while...

The next major obstacle is the new feature I've set for myself (with Cathy's approval). I want Portable Canvas to be able to load a local file. Such a simple goal represents a mountain of dirt to dredge through...

For one, there's no such thing as a Canvas 3d file. C3d creates objects by modifying data within a canvas element tag, so the state of the tag is constantly changing. The complexity is enormous, never mind the fact that I haven't created a working example online yet.

Next up is the modification of code. I've never written a serious JavaScript application in my life, and now I'll have to write one that dynamically creates local content. Tom Aratyn was kind enough to perform a guest lecture on JS; it'll be a big help for sure, though I still feel a little under-prepared.

The word of the day is "worry", because there'll be plenty of it. ^^;;

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