- Get recipe.
- Execute recipe.
- Taste the cake.
- The cake explodes.
- Look for another recipe...
So far, this guide has been the most helpful for getting something up and running to work with:
At the end of the day, I've learned how to make a simple extension. Woo! Also, I've got a working version of Canvas3D 0.2 running on my main Firefox3, and it's looking good. Downloading the C3D extension wasn't quite the nightmare I was taught to fear.
Next on the todo list:
- figure out what files are installed by Canvas3D
- update my C3D Library 0.2 to the 0.5 version
- build an extension that works on a portable XULRunner package
The XULRunner SDK is definitely there for building extensions and XULRunner applications.
XULRunner is mainly used to:
1. Build UL apps like Firefox & Songbird
2. Embed Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine into other non-XUL based applications.
You can build extensions without XULRunner at all, in fact most people never need XULRunner to build an extension. Also, any XULRunner based applications (#1 above) support hosting extensions, the same way Firefox does.
For help in doing #1, see: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/Getting_started_with_XULRunner
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